There’s no getting around it; family holidays can be stressful for you actors (especially those of you who aren’t currently working). That’s when you get a barrage of questions from your parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins like, “How’s the acting career going?” “Are you making any money?” “Is this acting thing what you really want to do?” and, of course, the ever popular, “Been on TV yet?”
It’s even more painful when you have those discussions about when you’re going to settle down and get a real job, when you’re going to give your mother grandkids, or why you won’t go into business with your brother, and so on. Sure it’s done out of love, concern, or maybe humor, but it’s still grating to have to constantly explain yourself.
You’ll also face these “what-are-you-doing” questions from your hometown friends who you haven’t seen in a while. It can be frustrating to not only explain what you’re doing, but also to deal with the constant ribbing (“Oh, it’s the big L.A. movie star!”).
The solution is… have a plan! Have an idea, a script, if you will, of what you’re going to say to your family and friends so you’re not caught off guard when the questions arise. Have a list of what you’re going to tell them (what you’ve been working on, accomplishments, etc.). Keep it short, keep it honest and keep it positive. It’ll give you the freedom to have the merriest of holidays.
Here’s to all your BOOKINGS in the coming year!
Happy New Year!